When Howdy applied for his position with 'Thought & Humor':
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Don't Trade Lives
We all have a tendency to sometimes think, That there's no one worse off then us, When the weight of our troubles feel too heavy to bear, And our hopes seem to all turn to rust.
But consider the Mother who has just lost a child, Or the Father who is terminally ill, The sister and brother who've just been informed, That their parents have tragically been killed.
The single Mom who struggles to raise kids on her own, After being beaten and abused by her spouse, Now living in a one bedroom apartment, With no dream of ever owning a house.
Would you care to trade places with the man in the alley, Who is rummaging for something to eat, With the rain or the snow soaking into his skin, And frostbite tearing into his feet.
A little girl who sits sobbing in a clinic, While the parents are stricken with grief, Awaiting the treatment of chemo, Which has not given any hope or relief.
Perhaps you would like to sit next to your loved one, As they lay silent and unable to speak, Knowing that they're breathing the last breath of life, Praying for an end to the pain which they seek.
The next time you choose to feel sorry for yourself, Just know that it could be far worse, Don't trade your problems with anyone else, You could end up in a hearse!
With the birth of Christ He built a road, For all mankind to travel, There were no curves or hills to climb, And no detours to unravel.
Man was unhappy with the design of the road, And endeavored to make it more pleasing, Steep grades were added with long twisting turns, With danger signs unfit for reading.
An effort was made by the hands of few, To repave to it's original state, But Satan's followers had stood in their path, While repairs to the road came too late.
Evil continues it's work on the road, Adding gravel and thorns for our path, The serpent continues to add to his flock, But will soon meet up with God's wrath.
Not heeding the words that were promised to him, Man continues his perilous trend, Only when Christ returns for His rule, Will we learn that the road had an end. Please turn and face God with love in your heart, We have failed and bowed down to Satan, But it's never too late to return to His arms, Ask forgiveness for all of mans hating.