"I had the toughest time of my life. First, I got angina pectoris and then arteriosclerosis. Just as I was recovering fromthese, I got tuberculosis, double pneumonia and phthisis. Then they gave me hypodermics. Appendicitis was followed by tonsillectomy. These gaveway to aphasia and hypertrophic cirrhosis. I completely lost my memory for a while. I know I had diabetes and acute ingestion, besides gastritis, rheumatism, lumbago and neuritis. I don't know how I pulled through it.... It was the hardest spelling test I've ever had."
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OBSCURE AND UNUSUAL WORDS *************************
1) ninnyhammer NIN-ee-ham-uhr (noun) : a fool; blockhead.
Of uncertain origin. From ninny (perhaps shortening of innocent) + hammer (possibly from hammerheaded)
"Margaret Lloyd made the sweetly ninnyhammer heroine Josephine believable within the wild framework of the plot, and swooped around the stage like a lark." Craig Smith; Opera's Production of 'Pinafore' Full of Heart; Santa Fe New Mexican; Nov 24, 2001.
2) shivaree shiv-uh-REE (noun) : a noisy, mock serenade to a newly married couple, involving the banging of kettles, pots and pans.
From French charivari (din, hullabaloo)
"Friends tried to subject them to a shivaree, but the joke was on them. The bride and groom were nowhere to be found."
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I used to work in technical support for a 24/7 call center. One day I got a call from an Individual who asked what hours the call center was open.
I told him, "The number you dialed is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week".
He responded, "Is that Eastern or Pacific time?"
Wanting to end the call quickly, I said, "Uh... Pacific."
You're just as likely to die by falling out of bed then you are to get struck by lightning; each is a 1 in 2,000,000 chance. You have a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of being killed by a snake.
The little-used adjective "tabescent" means to waste or wither away.
The blue whale weighs as much as thirty elephants, and is as long as three Greyhound buses.
That's alot of Yoke
An ostrich egg can make eleven-and-a-half omelets.
Marilyn Monroe
The last line ever spoken by Marilyn Monroe on the silver screen was "How do you find your way back in the dark?" The line is from the 1961 film The Misfits with Clark Gable. She died in 1962.
Book Matches
Joshua Pusey of Pennsylvania received a patent for his book matches in 1892.
"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind." --Winston Churchill (1874-1965), Statesman/Author
Most elementary school children will be able to tell you that the first American flag was made by Betsy Ross. What they are not taught was that she was also a social scientist who de- veloped the techniques now used by Gallop and others. It started when she asked a group of colonists what they thought of the flag she had made. This was the origin of ... the flag poll.
Faith and love are apt to be spasmodic in the best of minds. Men and women live on the brink of mysteries and harmonies into which they never enter and with their hand on the doorlatch they die outside. GK Chesterton